Název novinky: PHP-Fusion - česká neoficiální podpora :: Shirt Happens: Original Animated Comedy

Přidal ProowlArrilia dne 14-09-2012 11:15


Shirt Happens is an original animated universe that chronicles the adventures of anthropomorphic shirts and other clothing as they compete for money, power and influence in an enormous social project built to be a metropolitan shopping paradise – the International Mall City of America (IMCA).

Stereotypes are shattered, ganja chiefing is rampant and violence abounds in this no-holds-barred series!

The Honey Badger Rises (YouTube):

With dynamic political, economic and social systems evolving from the moment the doors are opened the IMCA is an interesting place and a potential goldmine for most of its clothy inhabitants. Alliances will form. Enemy factions will go to war. Invaders will stake their claims and tons of ganja WILL be choomed! Tune in to see what Shirt is about to Happen next!!!

View clips from recent Skits!

Check out the YouTube Channel for an introduction to the universe!